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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tostada de tinga de zanahorias a la Jicara (en Oaxaca)

Okay folks.  I've just come back from Mexico, where the food was fabulous and I have all sorts of renewed energy.  I was in Oaxaca - and at a place called Jicara, I had a tostada of carrot tinga with lentil humus, sour cream and Parmesan cheese.  Even though I took a cooking class there featuring much more traditional Oaxacan cuisine (post to follow), this was what was easiest to make in the U.S. with what I had on hand.

What a perfect super-food
Creative to boot!

  • lentils (approx 1 cup)
  • water
  • salt
  • garlic (1 clove)
  • corn tortillas
  • carrots (approx 1 cup)
  • chipotle chiles or peppers (in a can)
  • 1/2 medium onion
  • 1/2 medium roasted tomato
  • plain yogurt
  • Parmesan cheese
  1. Rinse, soak and cook the lentils, over medium heat in enough water to cover them, approx 45 minutes.
  2. Put one small tomato, or half of a medium tomato in the oven to roast (on foil on a cookie sheet at 375F for 25 minutes).
  3. When the lentils and tomato are nearing completion, heat a medium saucepan over medium heat.  Add olive oil and warm.  Add chopped onions and cook until transparent. 
  4. Grate carrots in food processor and add to onions in the pan.  Chop, grate, or process tomato and chiles and add to carrot mixture.  
  5. In a clean, dry pan, heat corn tortillas.  Top one tortilla with lentil mixture, carrot mixture, dabs of plain yogurt and grated Parmesan cheese.
  6. This is excellent with homemade salsa (while you're roasting tomatoes - why not?).

The original.

More traditionally, you could try making a chicken tinga.  Use one tomato, half a can of chipotle peppers, half an onion and two chicken breasts, boiled and shredded.

It is fabulous topped with salsa, sour cream, and avocado.

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